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Katharina Aubele Schwaebisch Gmuend

Ms Katharina Aubele è la responsabile per i gemellaggi presso il Comune di Schwaebisch Gmuend ed ecco quello che ci scrive in relazione al Progetto ‘Gioielli gemelli’:
Dear Ladies,
it was wonderful to have you here in Schwäbisch Gmünd and I had the impression that you did not only get along very well but that you have created unique and wonderful pieces. I already look forward to the exhibition in October and to seeing all of you re-united.
As promised, I’ve created a link to up- and download pictures from last week. I have already put some pictures on but I will upload more later from home. I’ve also included the two newspaper articles. You can access the folders here:

Le quattro ceramiste faentine

Un progetto partito con grande entusiasmo e che si sta dimostrando una nuova, bella e proficua avventura con i nostri amici a Schwaebisch Gmuend.

Grazie Katharina!